Scopigno, Interactive visualization of artwork’s 3D digital reconstruction, Multimedia for Cultural Heritage, Milan, 5 Apr.

Scopigno, Enhancing processing and visualization efficiency of 3D scanned meshes, International Symposium on the CREST Digital Archiving Project, page 58-64, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. Scopigno, Tools for inverse mapping and visualization of multi-spectral image data on 3D scanned representations of drawings, SPIE International Symposium on Optical Metrology, 13-17 June 2005, Munich, Germany. Superficie lapidea con iscrizioni arcaiche da Vereto (Patù – Lecce – Italy) IV Congresso Nazionale di Archeometria, 1-3 Feb. Sanapo, Esempio di Integrazione di tecniche ottiche 3D ad alta risoluzione per l’analisi e lo studio di superfici con iscrizioni antiche. Workshop 3D-ARCH'2005 - 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures, 22-24 August 2005, Mestre-Venice, Italy. Uccelli, Using multiple scanning technologies for the 3D acquisition of Torcello's basilica, Int. Pezzati, Three Dimensional Survey for Paint Layer Profile Measurement, LACONA VII, 7 th International Congress on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks, 17-21 September 2007, Madrid, Spain. 6618 - O3A: Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology, 20-22 June 2007, Munich, Germany. Brunetti, Using 3D scanning to monitor wood deformations and to evaluate preservation strategies, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. Bellucci, Three-dimensional survey of paint layer, Proceedings of SPIE Vol.
Pingi, Portable device for measuring surface roughness in situ with a non-invasive optical technique, Proceedings of International Workshop - SMW08, In Situ Monitoring of Monumental Surfaces, 27-29 October 2008, Florence, Italy. Pingi Noninvasive conoscopic holography-based device for artworks surface acquisition Proceedings of SPIE vol. Scopigno, A low cost optical 3D scanner, Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2001 Conf.
Pingi, An End-to-End Software Suite for 3D Scanning, ERCIM News No. Pingi, Il modello digitale 3D del David e il suo uso nel progetto di restauro, Kermes, Nardini Editore, Anno XVI, Numero 49, Gennaio-Marzo 2003, 45–49. Pingi, A Machine Vision System Controlling the Cutting of Animal Hides, ERCIM News No. Scopigno, Restoring David using 3D, IEEE Potentials - the magazine for high-tech innovators, December 2004/January 2005, Vol. Scopigno, The Marching Intersection Algorithm for Merging Range Images, The Visual Computer, Springer International, 20 (2-3), May 2004, pp. Scopigno, Visualization and 3D data processing in David’s restoration, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, IEEE Comp.
Scopigno, Exploiting the scanning sequence for automatic registration of large sets of range maps, Computer Graphics Forum vol.