Are there times when people would rather that science leave certain questions unanswered? Consider the case of this supposedly alien skeleton and the process by which its actual origin was determined.zebra stripes | Monarch migration | giant squid.tardigrade indestructibility | animal intelligence | cryptids | baobab death.vanishing honeybees | white-nose syndrome | immortal jellyfish.right-handedness | fingerprints | laughter | yawning | dreaming.function of the appendix | need for sleep | evolutionary Missing Link.Phaistos Disc | Singapore Stone | Rohonc Codex.Rongorongo | Toynbee tiles | Circleville letters | Linear B | quipu.Voynich manuscript | Kryptos | Cicada 3301 | Wow! Signal.Great Blue Hole | Dyatlov Pass incident | Hollinwell Showground.magnetic pole reversals | Bermuda Triangle | Oak Island Money Pit.Greek Fire | Archimedes Death Ray | Mithridate | Havana Syndrome.Taured Man | Somerton Man | bog bodies | Sky Object.Monsieur Chouchani | Lori Erica Ruff | Atacama skeleton.Holy Grail | New Zealand | Fountain of Youth | dark matter.Atlantis | tenth planet | Land of Punt | El Dorado | Area 51.Mayan Civilization | Dinosaurs | Lost Tribes of Israel.Starlite | Roanoke | Library of Alexandria.Sodder Children | Edgar Allan Poe | DB Cooper.Dale Kerstetter | Mandy Hampton | Amelia Earhart.Terracotta Warriors | Puma Punku | Ulfberht swords.Nazca Geoglyphs | Flying Dutchman | Giant Spheres of Costa Rica.Pyramids of Egypt | Stonehenge | Hanging Gardens | Zuni language.fata morgana | cold case | preternatural vs paranormal.cognitive dissonance | whodunit | John/Jane Doe.One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge.Millennium Prize Problems | Loebner Prize.Contests to Uncover the Unknown: Effective or Not?.known knowns | unknown unknowns | epistemology.Guesses, Estimations, Hypotheses, Theories.Have you ever had something happen in your life for which you lack an explanation? Do you want that explanation?.Can you imagine a circumstance in which someone would solve a mystery and then decide to keep the solution secret?.How do we deal with questions that we are unable to answer?.Do people who solve mysteries have an obligation to share the solution?.Can you think of any mysteries that are better left unsolved?.Why are so many people fascinated by mysteries? What features might make one mystery more fascinating than another?.What distinguishes mysteries that are solved from those that go unsolved?.Are some mysteries more worth solving than others?.Are most mysteries solved by individuals, by governments, or by the private sector?.Is there a difference between a mystery and an unanswered question?.